Johari 02
Who Do You Think You Are? What changes the picture?
Building on our previous work using the Johari window, we explore what the forces are in play which can affect the relative proportions of each facet in the window and why this is so important in team and leadership roles.
Personal and professional development requires being open to the forces of learning and this thinkspot explores what each of these is and how it affects the window.
Openness to learning and development is more and more recognised as the secret of success in today’s leaders, managers, team members, entrepreneurs and organisations. Unless you continually adapt to the new situations you get stuck.
In this thinkspot, you’ll learn:-
- The two forces that move the lines in the Johari window
- What feedback looks and sounds like and why it’s important
- The lesser know learning force of disclosure and its effect on learning
- The potential effects of the change in your Mystery or Potential area
Do your own Johari. Invite your colleagues and friends to complete it for you and really find out about your blind spots.
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