Bespoke Design, Develop and Deliver
For 30 years ClearWorth has been designing, developing and delivering training and development to corporate and NGO clients. We start with the client objectives and Bloom’s taxonomy of learning. This helps us and the client get clarity about the end results. Watch a 5-minute thinkspot on Blooms Taxonomy
How can you ensure your people keep learning?
The need to learn isn’t in question or changing. However, our understanding of how people learn and the ways to learn are. The challenge in the current business environment is to find the best way to learn what you can afford and what fits with your business circumstance.
Whether you are multinational facing limitations on travel, training budgets and pressure to get more done in less time or you are a small organisation with limited budget, pressure to keep people in the business focused on immediate problems there is a way for you to develop your people
What Learning Options do You Have?
We work with three main styles – face to face, online and blended – and we mix and match according to the learning outcomes and the business circumstances.
Five Key Principles of all offerings:
- When developing learning we always identify the desired outcome before we choose the approach
- Application – take new skills, ideas, techniques back into the workplace
- It makes you question – what, when, why, how you are are going to achieve the results you want
- It brings something new to the table, a new insight or skill
- We cannot make you learn but we can constantly develop materials that will motivate you to learn and develop
Blended Learning
Mix and match the approach according to the desired outcome Senior Management Development Case study3 Key Benefits
- Learning can happen over a period of time allowing time to apply and learn during the programme
- Customising is based on situation/budget/learning outcomes
- Fantastic use of time when groups get together physically or online
3 Key Disadvantages
- Fitting learning into a busy schedule can be challenging
- Technical challenge of accessing the online learning
- Less face to face time for challenge and support
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- Let’s declare now – blended is our favourite learning approach
- You can learn a model at a time to suit you
- Use every moment of face to face time to discuss, question and challenge learning and develop further
Why is Blended Learning a favourite for ClearWorth?
When working with leader or managers on development programmes we know time out of the business is hard to schedule and budget restrictions mean training gets postponed or cancelled. We run a leadership programme for senior managers where 10 weeks are spent online, with questionnaires, online materials, webinars and we finally meet for a 3-day workshop. By the time we meet people are buzzing, ready to ask questions and challenge others and make the most out of their time together.
When only Face to Face will do
Vital for practicing and coaching specific skills and building relationship The Challenge Event Case study3 Key Benefits
- Interaction with others
- Time away from business to reflect
- Challenge and support in the room
3 Key Disadvantages
- Time away from the business
- Expensive – training, travel and accommodation
- Application after the event
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- The best option for team building
- Can be enhanced by combining with other approaches
- Often lacks ongoing support which blended can provide
Is there a time when Face to Face is essential?
For 30 years ClearWorth has worked with Shell providing a workshop which integrates “soft skills” with technical skills. The young professionals on this programme will learn technical skills in teams in an experiential programme – ClearWorth believe this programme has been running for 30 years because it is face to face and includes many project team skills and teamwork to deliver
Online Learning
Great for learning tools and techniques - must be in bite size pieces 0 days Project Management Case study3 Key Benefits
- Learn in own time, when convenient
- Great for getting knowledge or learning a specific technique
- Done well it can provoke thought and ideas which can then be tested
3 Key Disadvantages
- Often seen as boring
- Hard to stay motivated to finish over time
- Lack of challenge to current thinking
ClearWorth Comment
- Brilliant for a quick burst of learning on a specific topic, but not when just a PowerPoint made into a video
- The brain likes bitesize pieces of learning
- Intelligent learning design is absolutely necessary
Where is Online Learning’s place in Leadership and Management?
If you just want a technique you can use it’s fantastic. We’ve been developing 5-minute Thinkspots: taking a management model or technique and explaining it in just five minutes. These are being used by a client to communicate key changes the organisation is driving through at a management level. Our skillshots are more in-depth, for example a 10-minute module covering interactive skills for influencing.