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Johari 01

Who Do You Think You Are? The Four Facets of You

The Johari window was originally developed by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in 1955. Joe and Harry for short – and that’s where the name of the window comes from.

There are two dimensions – You and Others – which are divided into Known and Unknown. That gives four pieces or facets of you. Things you know and don’t know about yourself and things other people know and don’t know about you.

As a first step in thinking about your presence, impact and influence with others this is an invaluable tool for reflecting on your public persona and the impression it creates. It’s also a fascinating feedback tool if you ask others to compare their version of you with your own. What are your blind spots – and what do you tend to keep hidden? The Mystery box is, perhaps, the source of your future development – more of that next time.

In this thinkspot you’ll learn:-

  • The four facets described by the Johari window
  • What each area of the window contains
  • The theoretical fourth facet and why it’s a mystery
  • Insights about how you appear or occur for others in your role


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Do your own Johari.  Invite your colleagues and friends to complete it for you and really find out about your blind spots.

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