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Conversation Control 02

Moving Around the Map

Conversation Control is not about dominating the conversation, aggressively stating your point or overriding other opinions. The very opposite in fact. It’s about gently but purposefully steering the conversation to achieve its objectives with less time, effort, stress and waste. Waste comes from going round in circles, restating what’s already been covered, not being clear where the conversation is or where it’s going

This second thinkspot in the series moves on from simply understanding the map to planning and executing moves around the map to ensure the conversation becomes and remains useful in moving towards its objectives or aims.

Within this thinkspot, we also start to explore different behaviours and forces which create movement. This is the beginning of an exploration of Behavioural Intelligence (a vital discipline for influencers and negotiators) which we explore in more detail later in the series and in other thinkspots.

In this thinkspot, you’ll learn:-

  • What needs to happen to move the conversation around the map
  • The most likely routes through the map to achieve the objectives
  • The two fundamental forces to gain movement
  • The key skill required when things aren’t moving

In the rest of the series, you’ll learn the behavioural tactics to achieve more with less time and effort, the extra dimension of the map and more about Behavioural Intelligence.

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