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TotalSDI – Over Done Strengths

Our third thinkspot in this series gives you a five-minute insight into your strengths. Strengths are good, right? Of course. But a fascinating aspect of Elias Porter’s work on relationship Awareness Theory, on which the Total SDI is based, showed that weaknesses were mostly strengths, but overdone.

The very thing that people look to you for, rely on you for, or for which you have a solid reputation can also become the issue. Your asset becomes a liability, your strength becomes your weakness. Do it too often, for too long, too hard or in the wrong place and it’s now overdone and a problem, not a solution.

No motivational value system is better or worse than any other and they all have their unique contribution to make. But there are things you need to be aware of and beware of.

In this thinkspot you’ll learn: –

  • How the strength you display can become a weakness when overdone
  • The predictable behaviours associated with the overdone strengths
  • Labels people might use to describe overdone strengths in action
  • The four keys to adjust to avoid overdoing your strengths

In the final thinkspot next time you’ll learn about your conflict sequence or style – what happens when you meet resistance. There’s a predictable pattern that you and others will follow. Vital to understand if you’re a negotiator, leader or influencer and to increase your behavioural intelligence and self-awareness.

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