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Three Level Questioning 01

Understanding People Through Questions

Questioning and listening is vital to learning and development. Without a question, there is little or no motivation for learning – and without carefully listening to the answers nothing changes in your viewpoint.

But learning isn’t just about being on a course – networking, social interactions, meetings, interviews and discussions are all sources of information. However, our own view may block our being open to what’s out there to be learned.

The three-level technique will change conversations for you and give you a structure to recognise where your question is aimed and where the answer is coming from – and why you may not be able to even hear the answer – let alone understand, absorb and learn from it. Conversations will never be the same again if you learn to actively use this mental model.

In this thinkspot, you’ll learn:-

  • The three levels of questions and answers
  • How to differentiate and distinguish between the levels
  • Why moving beyond Level One is vital to understanding people
  • What Level three tells you about others…and you

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