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Six Questions for Leading Achievers – Video 1

Clive explains and explores the six challenging questions for leaders that are the foundation of the programme. In this video you’ll understand more about which aspect of leadership each question is covering…and you’ll be asked to put yourself in your learners’ shoes and mark yourself out of 10 on each of them. There’s also a workbook to download which will help you engage with the programme. Clive works with leaders all over the world and the challenge he poses is whether you could talk live to camera and answer the questions honestly and succinctly.

We recommend taking some time between each of the videos in order to reflect and think through the relevance of the questions addressed in your own life.  We will be sending you an email in a couple of days with the link to video 2,  or you can go straight to the next one.

Please share your thoughts with Clive – you can do this in private using the email button or add your comment below.

If you haven’t already done so, please download the workbook now.