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Three Circles of Presence

Where are you right now?

How do you show up in other peoples’ experiences? What’s the impact when you’re there and what’s the lasting impression after the interaction’s finished?

Presence is the description of that impression, your personal imprint on the proceedings. It’s a reflection of how your energy is directed when people experience you and interact with you.

Professional actors are taught to consciously and deliberately manage their stage presence to achieve the right impression. This thinkspot shares and explains some the astounding work from Patsy Rodenburg, her concept of the circles of presence and how they fundamentally differ.

In this thinkspot you’ll learn: –

  • How presence occurs and how it affects interactions
  • What the three circles of presence look and sound like
  • The physiological clues to your current circle of presence
  • Why you need to be clear which circle you are working from
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