Decision Making Diamond 01
Decision making in a group is an opportunity for great outcomes – and a recipe for disaster. Wasted time and frayed tempers as the discussions go round in circles and ground is not covered but ploughed and re-ploughed. The Decision Making Diamond is an excellent tool for mapping the phases of the process and introducing a discipline into discussions. We have used it time and time again to help groups reach their desired end result in a fraction of the time and a fraction of the wasted energy. In this thinkspot you’ll discover
- How to make group decision making work
- How to map where the group is in their process
- How the focus of thinking needs to change in the group
- The three distinct phases and the different energy
- The change of language that shows the group is thinking differently
- The map for helping the facilitator (and the participants) control how the group works
In Part 2 we’ll be exploring the styles of thinking which make it easier or harder for you to engage in the three different phases- and the strengths and weaknesses of each.
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