Bloom’s Taxonomy
Designing Learning – Where are your objectives?
ClearWorth’s world is learning. This is what we’re passionate about and this is how we’ve built a successful business over the last 25 years. We design, develop and deliver personal and professional development programmes for leaders and teams all over the world.
When we’re asked to design a piece of learning our first question is “What’s the objective?” – and it’s surprising how often that enquiry is met with a stunned silence. If not silence, then we often get a rather vague thing like “be more strategic in their thinking” or “it’s a two-day workshop for team leaders”.
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives sounds pretty scary…but it’s the foundation of all the learning we create. An objective is not what you want to do but where you want to get to. Bloom’s is a great way to focus and sharpen your thinking – whether it’s designing for someone else or setting out your own development plan.
In this thinkspot you’ll learn: –
- The three domains of learning objectives
- The five levels of learning objectives in the cognitive domain
- The fundamental differences between the levels
- How to write objectives that clarify the expected level of achievement
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